
Showing posts from February, 2014

Takumi Yakiniku & Sushi @ SS15, Subang Jaya

I been trying hard avoid to have pan-mee and chicken rice for lunch on my working day where I still working at SS15. I always try to avoid to have lunch with colleague and have some new restaurant hunting with my uni-mates who work nearby. So, we went  Takumi Yakiniku & Sushi last few weeks. Takumi Yakiniku & Sushi is a Japanese BBQ restaurant.  Their logo was like a chinese work "匠" which simply means connoisseur by providing best in find, contemporary Japanese dining for a unique experience.  Takumi's specialties are primarily "smokeless" sumibi yakiniky (charcoal grill) and Wagyu. Unfortunately, me and my friend only have one hour time for our quick lunch. So we go for set lunch. I ordered  Terriyaki Chicken rice set   which come with rice served with terriyaki chicken on the top, fresh salad, miso soup with seaweed and kimchi (?)  A little fusion style just because kimchi is normally appeared for korean cuisine. I actual

【马来西亚。槟城】姓氏桥 Pengkalan Weld

最近看新港剧《单恋双城》槟城成为剧里其中一个拍摄地点  而且戏份不少  还概括很多槟城著名一定要去不去会被当成没去过槟城的地点(例如壁画啊) 突然想起去年12月分去了槟城一趟  很怀念那个时候 主要是因为槟城的规划很好  去那里只要用走路就能够达到  还有免费的Rapid penang环岛 KL就是一定要车  公共交通不怎么方便 上班塞车,放工塞车;周末假期商场人山人海 这次要分享姓氏桥的照片 没有什么文字  我只是在那里走走看看,只知道这里面还有住人  里面还是很传统的那种水上木屋 这个是本地电影 《初恋红豆冰》 的拍摄地点之一啦 很多人都站在那里拍照 姓氏桥慨括 姓周桥 姓陈桥 姓林桥 它们都在同一条街上  顺着走过去就可以了  涨潮的时候还有一阵阵的咸水味 姓氏桥就坐落在繁忙的大马路旁  其实每一个姓氏桥都有自己的故事  希望还能够有机会回到这个安宁又美丽的地方