Artisan Roast Coffee @ TTDI

TTDI was a heaven for me because lots of nice and famous cafe are located there. More cafe-hopping coming..
Want to share my top ranking cafe so far I visited 
(You could click on the cafe categories at the left to check out more cafe that you miss out).

That day was my first time drive to TTDI. I stay Puchong, TTDI was not so far for me la.
Having a brunch set at a unknown cafe. I bought a voucher from Groupon. RM30 for two full set big breakfast come with either juices/coffee.
And see what we got! 

Tomato looks not fresh at all. 
Butter looks so yiak. 
Very homemade toasted bread.
Mini sausages, bacon and mini hash brown not served hot yet warm. 
Baked beans are harder than my mom's cook. 
Mushroom taste weird. 
Anyway, scrambled egg are okay. 

Okay..forget about the very dissappointing brunch set.

Since we purposely drive to TTDI so me and my friend decided to have some cafe hopping around. 
Artisan Roast Coffee was our final choice among the other choices. It's a good choice because I like this so much.

Friend goes to this Rose Fizz, Carbonista Gourmet Craft Soda. 
It taste special for me so far. 
I never try any soda drink with rose flavour. 
It doesn't sweet but rose scent attack my mouth.

Iced Coffee for myself. 
This was hand-brew coffee made with expresso, fresh Ozzy milk and kiwi honey. 
You could get one ringgit back when bring this bottle back to any Artisan cafe. 
I'm lap-sap-po (rubbish woman) which like to collect beautiful and nice glass bottle so I bring this back. 

Taste okay okay jer la

Lemon Slice
It's strongly recommend by others (we refer to some comments from foursquare). 
It taste very lemon #lol This would more to sour than sweet. Lemon scent are very heavy so might feeling refresh after taken this. 

Well, our teatime set.
Artisan Roast Coffee
Address: 4, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail 60000, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-7733 6397
Opening hr: Mon - Fri 8.00a.m.-12.00p.m. /// Sat - Sun 9.00a.m.-12.00p.m.
Website: Artisan Roast Coffee

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